Te Hao Rangahau

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Te Hao Rangahau is MSD’s online annotated bibliography, developed to support the research needs of people working on Waitangi Tribunal Kaupapa Inquiries.

It is a searchable database of relevant documents written or commissioned by MSD (or previous departments, eg, Social Policy, WINZ, DSW). You can search the database by year or theme and all documents are supported by short descriptions. An interactive chronology of social history events of particular relevance to Māori provides context. The chronology can also be downloaded in its entirety as a PDF document.

Using this site has more information about how the material is organised and we recommend reading this before beginning your first search.


The chronology provides a high-level overview of key themes and events in Māori political, social, cultural and economic development. This historical overview is organised into key time periods from 1840 to the present day.

Select one of the time periods below to learn more, or enter a search term in the search bar above to access material in the site.

The views and interpretations in this report are those of the researchers and are not the official position of the Ministry of Social Development.